Saarbrücken oder/ou Forbach ?
Alexander Dony |
During Weekends Alexander loves to explore the border landscape between Saar and Moselle. Here, he shares some of his impressions with us. [..] zum Spaziergang
Sarrebrück, District of Europe
The blog has been founded in February 2021 to keep up with friends and colleagues, pour (dé)passer les frontières, continuer de travailler ensemble cross border, between neighbors, creating our Little Europe aux jardins des frontières.
“L’Europe, avant d’être une alliance militaire ou une entité économique, doit être une communauté culturelle dans le sens le plus élevé de ce terme.“ (Robert Schuman, 1963)
with special thanks to Felix Geiger for concept and programming, to the authors for texts, translations, illustrations and photographs.
contact: info(at)regiofactum.com
Alexander Dony |
During Weekends Alexander loves to explore the border landscape between Saar and Moselle. Here, he shares some of his impressions with us. [..] zum Spaziergang
Eva Mendgen |
Valérie Hendrich received the prize for the cross-border art project "Grenze / Frontière 2021" for the continuing dialogue with her friends. Here, the "Platt", in France known as "regional language", plays an important role: in daily life the German-French border region is multilingual, "the" Platt being an important complement of French and German. [..] zum Gedicht
mendgen |
Valérie Hendrich knows like no other artists to enhance the nuances of the cultural landscape created by borders and exchange in the heart of Europe between Germany and France, Lorraine, Alsace and the Saar... [..] zum Essay
regiofactum |
In this interview the Belgian politician Karl-Heinz Lambertz from Eupen talks about the different stages of crossborder cooperation, which is a lifelong task... [..] zum Interview, Teil 2
regiofactum |
La conversation avec Karl-Heinz Lambertz à Eupen (Wallonie, Belgique) a été menée par Günther Weydt et Eva Mendgen dans le cadre d'un regiofactum-projet: "Pionniers européens" / "Citoyenneté européene" le 21.01.2020 à Eupen, Belgique, et mise à jour en avril 2021. Nos remerciements à Matthias Zimmermann, Eupen, pour cette excellente traduction. [..] Interview entier
Alexander Dony |
Alexander is a convinced European, he grew up in the Saarland near the German-French border, wrote a master thesis on questions of identity in European border regions and practiced learning, working and living across borders, convaincu que notre identité régionale est bien transfrontalière, en partant à la recherche pour trouver ce trésor culturel, pour le rendre visible. [..] Plädoyer à lire
Martin Graff 2012 |
Martin reveals through his performances, essays and books the common ground between two bordering nations, France and Germany. To most of us it may be a bit like seeing double. By reading Martin and listening to his speeches, the multiple jumps from one language to the other may seem a challenge, but the reward: Step by step you enter into this “place” in between - learning about its particular beauty, still to be discovered by most of us. [..] Essay
Rede von Martin Graff, 2019 |
Performance von Martin Graff in Sarrebrück, le Bermudadreieck des relations franco-allemandes. Une planète, die sich sur elle-même dreht en touchant la langue de Molière et celle de Goethe... le 30. April 2019. Regiofactum-colloque, Institut francais, Villa Europa. Mitschnitt (audio): Thomas Ultes, Fotografie: Kai Loges. Bitte Zeit nehmen, zurücklehnen, nochmal hören, genießen. [..] Weiterhören, écouter...
Mendgen |
Grenzkabarett * Je t'aime ich liebe dich * Gedankenschmuggel * Der lutherische Urknall * Die Franzosen und die Deutschen * Utopies Alsakonnes * Le Vagabond des frontières * Leben wie Gott im Elsass * Deutsche Fantasien * Comme l'Allemagne? * Der Joker und der Schmetterling * Zungenknoten * Voyages aux jardins des frontières... [..] in memoriam
regiofactum |
In January 2020 the regiofactum-work-group met the Belgian politician Karl-Heinz-Lambertz, former Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community of Belgium. The conversation took place in the Parliament of Belgium's German-speaking community in Eupen within the geographical, political and cultural context of the Greater Region Sarre-Lorraine-Rhineland-Palatinate-Wallonie (Grand Est). [..] weiter zum Interview, Teil 1